Our Blog
Vaccination a Key to the Puzzle
As a parent, you work hard to keep your baby healthy, by giving lots of love… providing healthy foods. Keeping little hands, feet, and faces clean. Getting plenty of physical activity, and vaccination. Nothing protects babies better from 14 serious diseases by age...
Actively Listening to Your Child
Communicating with our children can be a difficult task at times. We feel like they're not listening to us; they feel like we're not listening to them. Good listening and communications skills are essential to successful parenting. Your child's feelings, views, and...
Know the Signs Act Early
Links to additional resources: Learn the Signs - Act Early 2 months 4 months 6 months 9 months 1 year 18 months 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years Download the milestone checklists Information about Milestone Tracker Link to Growth...
Keeping Kids Safe on Wheels
Ready for the Ride: Keeping Kids Safe on Wheels - Click to Download PDF Bike Safety Tips - Click to Download PDF Bike Safety Tips - Spanish - Click to Download PDF
Positive Parenting
Let’s face it…parenting is not always easy. Sometimes it seems a next to impossible task to consistently get your child to be nice to others, share, follow a consistent schedule and adhere to simple requests and instructions. Losing your temper, resorting to yelling...
Planning the Family Vacation – Dream or Disaster
As sunny days and blue skies replace the cold, dreary days of winter, we often begin to dream of summer and a family vacation. The options for great family vacations vary from travel far from home to just staying home and enjoying a “staycation.” Either can be great...
Enriching Your Children’s Conscience
All parents want their children to have a life guided by good values. A child’s conscience and value system develop at an early age. As parents, what can you do to help them? Here are five ways you can enrich their conscience and help them to develop a value system...
Tips for Crafting with Children
Crafting provides a great way to spend time with children while enjoying a fun activity together. Following some simple tips can make it a fun experience for everyone. We hope you will put some of the following suggestions to use. Find the craft that children want...
Key Facts About Influenza (FLU)
What is Influenza (also called Flu)? The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The best way to prevent the flu is...
Children, the Flu, and the Flu Vaccine
Children, especially those younger than 5 years, are at higher risk for serious flu-related complications. The flu vaccine offers the best defense against getting the flu and spreading it to others. Getting vaccinated can reduce flu illnesses, doctor’s visits, missed...
Children and Stress – Avoiding a Holiday Meltdown
The holidays are a stressful time for even the best-adjusted adult. The holiday season for young children is almost a certain situation to cause the toddler meltdown. Think about the way your child sees the holiday season. First of all, the stores where he is used to...
Home Fire Escape Plan
An important safety event that takes place on a regular basis in every child care business is a “fire drill.” Each childcare center must have an evaluation plan for all children and staff. Each year when fire or smoke requires a child care facility or...
Children and Sleep Disorders
Many children have sleep disorders that interrupt their lives, and those of their parents and siblings as well. A child sleep disorder can make life very difficult and interfere with the necessities of life. Parents who worry about the child sleep disorders in their...
Childhood Obesity
Obesity is children continues to increase. The following infographic illustrates the magnitude of the problem, the long-term health impact and things you can do to prevent obesity in children. by Wheels For Wishes
Conflict Resolution for Pre-Schoolers
Children have conflicts, and one of the important tasks of childhood is learning how to manage conflict successfully. Ideally, education in conflict resolution begins at the preschool age or even earlier. With appropriate help from parents, even pre-verbal children...
Traveling with Children
Traveling with small children is not an activity for the faint of heart, the disorganized, or those who are short on patience. It takes courage, planning, and patience to travel with children safely and even pleasantly. First, it is wise to recognize the fact that...
Warm Weather Safety Tips for Children
Ah, summer! That is a word that every kid knows and loves. Warm weather means outdoor fun — swimming, baseball, riding bikes, and jumping on trampolines. Summer, from a kid's point of view, ranks right up there with Christmas — and it lasts longer! You get the...
How to Choose & Use Suncreen
With all the sunscreens available these days (organic or mineral? water-resistant or sweat-resistant? lotion or spray?), choosing the right one for your kids can be tricky. But what matters most when picking a sunscreen is how well it protects skin from UV rays. Learn...