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Chocking Hazards

Your baby is learning how to chew and swallow foods. This means your child may choke. By 12 months old, your child is getting better at eating and may even be feeding themselves. Even though your child can now eat most foods, some are still choking hazards. The way...

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Child Passenger Safety: Get the Facts

Child Passenger Safety: Get the Facts

Motor Vehicle Crashes: A Leading Cause of Death for Children In 2019, 608 child passengers age 12 and younger died in motor vehicle crashes,1 and more than 91,000 were injured.2 Of the children 12 and younger who died in a crash (for whom restraint use was known), 38%...

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Preventing Child Abuse & Neglect

Child abuse and neglect are serious public health problems that can have long-term impact on health, opportunity, and wellbeing. CDC works to understand the problems of child abuse and neglect and prevent them. Video -...

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What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges. There is often nothing about how people with ASD look that sets them apart from other people, but people with ASD may communicate,...

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Keeping Children Safe

Keeping Children Safe

School is back in session. As you stock up on pencils, take first-day pictures, and adjust to new bus schedules, take a few, quick steps that can keep your child safer during an emergency. From tornadoes to water main breaks, emergencies can occur with little or no...

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Holiday Celebrations

Holiday Celebrations

Safer Ways to Celebrate Holidays Attending gatherings to celebrate events and holidays increases your risk of getting and spreading COVID-19. The safest way to celebrate is virtually, with people who live with you, or outside and at least 6 feet apart from others. For...

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What is ADHD?

ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. It is usually first diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood. Children with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors (may act without thinking about...

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Safer Travel Tips for Families with Unvaccinated Children

Safer Travel Tips for Families with Unvaccinated Children

CDC recommends delaying travel until you are able to get fully vaccinated. If you are traveling with children who cannot get vaccinated at this time, follow recommendations for people who are not fully vaccinated and choose the safer travel options described below. ...

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Are You Present With Your Children?

Are You Present With Your Children?

How often are you fully and completely present when you are with your children? One of the greatest gifts we can give to our children is to be fully present with them. Being fully present can often be a big challenge. When my children were growing up, I worked full...

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Getting Your Children to Go to Bed

Getting Your Children to Go to Bed

Even though they know that they are tired, some children do not want to miss out on any of the action or excitement. They want to spend as much time with mom and dad as possible. They can even see that they have to go to bed before their parents as unjust and even...

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How to Keep Your Breast Pump Kit Clean: The Essentials

Providing breast milk is one of the best things you can do for your baby’s health and development. Pumping your milk is one way to provide breast milk to your baby. However, germs can grow quickly in breast milk or breast milk residue that remains on pump parts....

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Ten Reasons to Read to Your Child

Ten Reasons to Read to Your Child

We all know that learning to read is important, but as parents, what can we do to facilitate this milestone? Reading to your child has many benefits, one of which is simply having time to snuggle together. Here are ten reasons to read to your child. 1.When you read to...

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Keep Children Healthy during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Teach and reinforce everyday preventive actions Wash hands Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, and encourage your child to do the same. Read more and watch a video on how to wash hands correctly. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer...

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The Journey of Your Child’s Vaccine

This video describes the journey of a vaccine for children from development through post-licensure monitoring. Learn about the three phases of clinical trials, vaccine licensing and manufacturing, how a vaccine is added to the U.S. Recommended Immunization Schedule,...

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Child-Well Visits Are Essential

In recent months, families have been doing their part by staying at home as much as possible to help stop the spread of COVID-19. As communities open up, it’s important your child goes in for their well-child visit. These well-child visits are essential for many...

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