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A Healthy Mouth for Your Baby

Healthy teeth are important to your child’s overall health. From the time your child is born, there are things you can do to promote healthy teeth and prevent cavities. For babies, you should clean teeth with a soft, clean cloth or baby’s toothbrush. Avoid...

Screen Time vs Lean Time

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation External kids ages 8-18 now spend, on average, a whopping 7.5 hours in front of a screen for entertainment each day, 4.5 of which are spent watching TV. Over a year, that adds up to 114 full days watching a screen for fun....

Five Minutes or Less for Health Widget

There is nothing more important than your family’s health. However, it takes a lot of time to learn about living a healthy life, right?  Not always, you can learn a lot in just five minutes.  Use the widget to the left to learn in less than five minutes ways you...