Child Development, Health and Safety, Parenting
Heat and Infants and Children Infants and young children rely on others to keep them cool and hydrated when it’s hot outside. In this article, we provide tips for protecting your children and other family members from extreme heat. Keep kids cool and hydrated...
Child Development, Parenting
There is a great deal of real but not particularly scientific evidence that birth order has a great influence on who we turn out to be as adults. If you understand how birth order affects a child, you will be better able to understand and effectively parent your...
Child Development, Health and Safety, Parenting
Links to additional resources: Learn the Signs – Act Early 2 months 4 months 6 months 9 months 1 year 18 months 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years Download the milestone checklists Information about Milestone Tracker Link to Growth...
Child Development, Parenting
All parents want their children to have a life guided by good values. A child’s conscience and value system develop at an early age. As parents, what can you do to help them? Here are five ways you can enrich their conscience and help them to develop a value system...
Child Development, Health and Safety, Parenting
The holidays are a stressful time for even the best-adjusted adult. The holiday season for young children is almost a certain situation to cause the toddler meltdown. Think about the way your child sees the holiday season. First of all, the stores where he is used to...